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AFTER CARE & GETTING READY FOR YOUR TREATMENT Bruising typically takes 48 hours to disappear but can take up to 2 weeks in some cases. We recommend you drink a minimum 2 litres of water. Water and hydration is the key to this process being effective. To maximize the effectiveness of your sessions, it is best to restrict products that impact lymphatic flow during the program. (Caffeine, alcohol and sugar in large amount). We recommend NO ALCHOL 24 hours before and after your treatment. We recommend eating a healthy diet to stabilize the fat and inches loss you obtain during the program. Always consult with your physician before beginning any new health and diet program. Always inform us if you have a change in health status or experience any unusual symptoms during your program. We recommend additional daily exercise to stimulate lymphatic flow. This includes low impact workouts, brisk walking, swimming or cycling during this process. Adding this activity to your ongoing lifestyle will help to stabilize your weight and fat loss. You can have vacuum therapy/Body sculpting treatment during your menstrual cycle but it is recommended to avoid abdomen as you may not see any immediate results, due to bloating. We concentrate on treatment of 3 body area during each sessions (Breast & Glutes not to be done at same day). “Time on Target”will achieve maximum results. Treatments can be done a minimum 72 hours apart. Tell us if your digestive process is affected in any way during a session. (Constipation/diarrhea). If you should become pregnant during this process please inform us immediately. Please reach out to us if you have any questions prior to your appointment or prior to booking.

Radio Frequency (RF) technology is a non- ablative facial and body treatment services that is used to stimulate the dermis of skin. This process stimulates the skin for the formation of new collagen and improving the skin elasticity by promoting new collagen and improving the skins elasticity the treated area with look smoother and tighter. RF is a treatment used to mostly treat the skin.   Vacuum Therapy on the other hand is used to stimulate the Lymphatic system and decreasing muscles tension. When the lymphatic system gets stimulated it increases the lymphatic flow to provide the benefits of detoxing, reducing water retention/bloating, improves the metabolism, removes skin exfoliation for smoother skin, lowers nervous system harm by flushing toxins, this allows hormones levels to be balanced and flow smoothly to a healthy level. If you like the sound of both at PureBright Beauty has a treatment called RF + Vacuum Therapy that will provide you with both benefits.

At Aesthetics & Body Co. we offer 6 different types of treatments, all of them focus on liquifying fat to pass through the lymphatic system to exit your body for longer lasting results. CoolSculpting scientifically known as Cryolipolysis is a treatment used to freeze fat cells with the goal of killing and breaking down the fat cells. This treatment is also non invasive, however it has been reported that the weight loss   from CoolSculpting is less then a one pound. It takes between 3 weeks to 4 months to see results and the recommendations is minimum of 2 sessions about 30 days apart. We DO NOT OFFER CoolSculpting.
Drink a minimum of 2 litre of water per day. Stay away from bad fats, high sodium. Intake and refined sugar. Be active, regardless of what it is (walks, gym, yoga, Pilates, boxing ….) anything to get circulation going. Get plenty of rest, don’t over due physical activity and make sure to get good night sleeps. Reduce stress where you can. Treat yourself   to one or   two lymphatic drainage massage sessions every 3 to 4 months. If you’re going on vacation or have a special event coming up, book a session to feel best as needed.
– Saturated fats – Processed food – Artificial sweeteners – Alcohol – Sugary soft drinks – Diary – Refined sugar – Soy – Table salt – High sodium foods – High caffeine intake (need to balance caffeine to water intake to avoid dehydration).
Some   of the treatment times are 45 minutes, we schedule for an hour to give us enough time to discuss any questions you may have, take your before and after photos and give you time to settle in comfortably without rushing you. Each treatment time varies, always account for a 10 to 15 minute buffer time.
Drink a minimum of 2 L of water throughout the day for later appointments and at least half a litre for morning appointments. We want to make sure you are hydrated prior to the treatment. No alcohol for a minimum of 24 hours prior to your appointment, 48 hours ideal. If you need coffee you need to drink a 1:1 ratio cups of coffee to water ratio. Do not eat for 2 hours before your treatment and 1 hour after the treatment for best results. Get a good night sleep the night before. Wear comfortable clothing to the appointment when possible.
Some bruising may occur from some of our treatments, we’ll go over each side effects with you prior to the appointment. Some treatments can cause more bruising than others based on levels of toxins in the body ad some health conditions. We do our best to keep bruising to a minimum if it was to occur from a treatment like our non invasive BBL or breast lift where bruising is common.
Over stimulation can work against us, over stimulating the skin in one area can break elasticity vs boosting elasticity. In Addition the lymphatic capillaries that collect the fluid are minuscule (very tiny) so if too much pressure us applied to these tiny capillaries they will collapse and not collect any fluid, until they recover and that takes about 24 hours. When this happens or the system gets over stimulated all the toxins and liquified fat doesn’t drain through the lymphatic system as intended. This is also why pressure is controlled for each body part. Reach out to us to better understand what body parts we wouldn’t treat together prior to booking multiple treatments in one day. Treatments should be done no closer then 72 hours apart, ideally 7 days apart. Maximum an hour and half treatment time is combined treatments.